Outreach Projects Archivist: Raghad Barakat

Raghad Barakat joined the American Center of Research team as outreach project archivist in September 2022. She is responsible for contributing to the item-level description of digitized materials, as well as creating finding aids in Arabic and translating existing English metadata into Arabic. In addition, she is working with the librarian and other team members to prepare online exhibits using content from the ACOR Digital Archive, contributing to the creation of promotional materials for the collection (including print media and social media posts), and assisting in the production of an Arabic glossary of subject terms relevant to the archival collections, to be published via the open-access archive platform. Raghad has a master’s degree in architectural conservation from the German Jordanian University, and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Al-Balqa’ Applied University. 

Email:  rbarakat@acorjordan.org

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