Amman Citadel Trail

We welcome all visitors to Jordan and to the Amman Citadel Tourist Trail!

Aerial view of the southern side of the Amman Citadel (with dirt trail and ruins at left) and the Roman theater (far right). (Photo by ChickMania Entertainment, courtesy of ACOR/USAID SCHEP.)
Aerial view of the Amman Citadel (left) and the Roman theater (right).

Often, the community around a historic site does not directly benefit from tourism, due to constraints of finances or skills. The Amman Citadel Tourist Trail project has sought to change this circumstance by providing opportunities to community members to participate in the tourism sector by marketing local products and services to visitors to the Amman Citadel and Downtown Amphitheater. Financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and initiated by the Sustainable Cultural Heritage Through Engagement of Local Communities Project (SCHEP), implemented by the American Center of Research (ACOR), the project provided training, mentorship, and business incubation, and it also provided equipment and supplies to local individuals who applied their ideas to deliver a product or service to visitors and residents alike.

When you purchase a product or service that has the logo shown here, you are directly supporting local individuals and businesses alike. The project highlights the cooperative nature between individuals and established businesses in a historic neighborhood.

Business Index (and map reference number)

Products and Services

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