Terms of the Kenneth W. Russell Fellowship 2025
One award of $2,500 to support a graduate student participating in an ACOR-approved archaeological fieldwork or research project in Jordan. For the 2025–2026 cycle, the Russell Fellowship is open to enrolled graduate students of any nationality except Jordanian. Application requirements include:
- Completed application form
- Project proposal narrative (up to 2,000 words, not including bibliography)
- Transcript(s) (first-year graduate students should submit both graduate and undergraduate transcripts)
- One recommendation
Deadline for applications is February 15.
Applicants will be notified in April.
The Russell fellowships rotates on a two-year cycle.
Even-Numbered Years: Education assistance for a Jordanian student enrolled in an archaeology or cultural heritage degree program in any country. $2,500 award.
Odd-Numbered Years: Student travel (any nationality except Jordanian) for field work or research in Jordan. One award of $2,500 to support a graduate student participating in an ACOR approved archaeological research project.
Annually: The Russell Fellowship also supports Bedul education assistance for the children of Umm Sayhoun community in the Petra region. Since 2008, an annual prize of JD 200 and a certificate commending their achievement can be awarded to the top male and top female tawjihi finalists from Umm Sayhoun.
Click here to read a blog article by Craig A. Harvey, recipient of a Kenneth W. Russell Fellowship in 2019.
Background of the Russell Fellowship

Kenneth W. Russell (1950 – 1992) began his formal association with ACOR in 1990 as an archaeologist for the ACOR projects at the Amman Temple of Hercules and at Aqaba (Islamic Ayla). He was educated at the University of Utah (Ph.D. 1986).
Russell was a brilliant and animated lecturer and a skilled anthropologist who contributed to archaeological and ethno-archaeological theory. He studied the ethnoarchaeology of the Bidul Bedouin, Petra’s modern day inhabitants. He was particularly interested in the history and archaeology of Petra, having received his early training in archaeological excavation in Petra in the 1970’s.
Russell died unexpectedly, on May 10, 1992 after a short illness contracted before commencing the excavation of the Petra Church. He was buried at Petra on a promontory overlooking the valley and his excavation, in a place chosen by and given to Ken by the Bidul.
The Kenneth Wayne Russell Memorial Trust was founded by family and friends to carry on his legacy in Jordan.
To donate to this fellowship, please click here and write “Russell” under the “Additional Details” section of the donation form.
Click here to apply for this fellowship.