The Donald O. Henry Fellowship provides support for a field project, publication, or related event in support of archaeological research in or about Jordan. The fellowship has a preference for the support of archaeological efforts related to prehistory and/or work in southern Jordan, but proposals involving all periods and locations are eligible, welcome, and encouraged. The most compelling proposal will receive the award. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities are eligible to apply. The award can be made in addition to any other grants or fellowships. In 2025, the expected award amount is $500.
Required application materials include:
- Completed application form
- Academic review (either a letter from a project director confirming acceptance into an ongoing field or study project or, in the case of an independent research project, proof that your research has been accepted by ACOR or another academic institution as a scholarly and ethical project)
- Project proposal narrative (up to 2,000 words, not including bibliography)
- Transcript(s) (first-year graduate students should submit both graduate and undergraduate transcripts)
- One recommendation
About Donald O. Henry
1973 Ph.D. Anthropology Southern Methodist University
1972 M.A. Anthropology Southern Methodist University
1968 B.A. Anthropology, Social Science, Southern Methodist University
Donald O. Henry, PhD, was professor emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tulsa. Born on November 25, 1945, Dr. Don, as he was affectionately called in the field, passed away unexpectedly on March 15, 2023. Best known for his research regarding the prehistory of the Near East, human behavioral ecology, lithic technology, and paleodemographics, for over 40 years he conducted research and led field schools in southern Jordan, as well as in Oklahoma and Texas. The National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Geographic Society are just three of the sources of funding for his projects. His many publications included From Foraging to Agriculture: The Levant at the End of the Ice Age (1989, rev. 1992), Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution: Insights from Southern Jordan (1995), several edited volumes (among them Prehistoric Archaeology of Jordan [1998] and Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity [2003; 2023]), and an impressive list of journal articles, book chapters, technical monographs, and conference papers.
He was, and his family remains, especially proud of his work the site of Ayn Abu Nukhayla, Jordan, which continues to shape the study of the Neolithic era and the region. For the untold thousands of students and colleagues who had the pleasure to know him, Don is recalled for his scholarly vision, capacity as modern-day Renaissance man, love of basketball, and sense of humor. In 2024, the fund was established by his wife, Nancy, and their three sons, and supported by contributions from family, friends, students, colleagues, and admirers of his work.
University of Tulsa Appointments
2015-2023 Professor Emeritus, Anthropology
1991-2015 Professor, Anthropology
1997-1998 Elected, Kendall Society of Teaching Fellows
1989-1991 Professor & Chair, Anthropology
1982-1988 Associate Professor & Chair, Anthropology
1975-1982 Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Representative Fieldwork & Research Experience in Jordan
1998-2008 Excavation of Neolithic Site of Ayn Abu Nukhayla, Jordan
1997-1998 Survey of East Flank of Wadi Araba, Jordan
1993-1995 Investigation of Levantine Mousterian Sites, Jordan
1988-1989 Excavation of Tor Hamar, Jordan
1985 Raw Material Survey, Jordan
1983-1984 Investigations in the Ras en Naqb-Quweira Area, Jordan
1979-1881 Survey of the Ras en Naqb Basin, Jordan
Grants and Funding Received from (representative): National Science Foundation (nine awards), National Geographic Society (two), National Endowment for the Humanities (two), and others.
1995 Henry, D.O. Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution: Insights from Southern Jordan, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York. 465 pp.
1989 Henry, D.O. From Foraging to Agriculture: The Levant at the End of the Ice Age. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 288 pp. (Revised and published in paperback,1992).
Edited Books
2003 Henry, D.O. Neanderthals in the Levant: Behavioral Organization and the Beginnings of Human Modernity. Continuum (Bloomsbury) Press, London. (Reissued in paperback and digital by Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2023)
1998 Henry, D.O. Prehistoric Archaeology of Jordan. British Archaeological Research Reports International, Archaeopress, Oxford.
1989 Henry, D.O. and G.H. Odell. Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis. Archeological Research Series Number 1, American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
More than 100 authored/co-authored journal articles and book chapters. See here (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0Z4j9G8AAAAJ&hl=en) for a comprehensive list.
Examples of Service to the Field
Editorial Boards: PaleoAnthropology, Journal of Eurasian Prehistory, Journal of World Prehistory (Emeritus)
American Center of (Oriental) Research, Board of Trustees, Research Fellowship Committee
American Schools of Oriental Research, Committee on Archaeological Policy
Peer review for: American Anthropologist, American Antiquity, American Scientist, Antiquity, Bulletin American Schools of Oriental Research, Geoarchaeology, Lithic Technology, Mitekufat Haeven, Paléorient, Journal of Anthropological Research, among others.
Click here to apply for this fellowship.
Applications are due February 15 annually.
Applicants will be informed by April.