Terms of the Harrell Fellowship
The Harrell Family Fellowship provides support in the amount of $2,500 to a graduate student of any nationality except Jordanian citizens for participation on an archaeological project or research in Jordan. The fellowship must be used during the period between May 1 of the award year and April 30 of the following year. The fellowship is to assist in partial payment of essential expenses for graduate students. Students whose expenses are being borne largely or entirely by the project are ineligible. This award may be combined with an ACOR research fellowship that provides for residence at the ACOR center in Amman or an ACOR travel fellowship if this grant is used for research. Applicants must be enrolled graduate students at the time of application. Required application materials include:
- Completed application form
- Academic review (either a letter from a project director confirming acceptance into an ongoing field or study project or, in the case of an independent research project, proof that your research has been accepted by ACOR or another academic institution as a scholarly and ethical project)
- Project proposal narrative (up to 2,000 words, not including bibliography)
- Transcript(s) (first-year graduate students should submit both graduate and undergraduate transcripts)
- One recommendation
Deadline for applications is February 15.
Applicants will be notified in April.
Background of the Harrell Fellowship

The Harrell Family Trust was created by the Harrell Family and other donors. The income is restricted to award travel scholarships for students.
“It began with Jim Sauer in 1978, our guide to Jordanian archaeology and a most wonderful person. Because of Jim, we and our three sons Erik, Philip and Matthew, became quite engaged in Jordanian archaeology, visiting sites on weekends and attending lectures and events at ACOR during the course of our three and a half year stay in Jordan. Our oldest son, Erik, became particularly involved and over many years participated in ACOR sponsored digs even after we left Jordan in 1981. Erik subsequently studied Arabic at Johns Hopkins, both undergraduate and graduates school – SAIS (School of Advanced International Studies), and at Yarmouk University.
Establishing a family endowment seemed a logical and constructive way to continue our family association with ACOR. We also wanted in a small way to provide an opportunity for other young people to benefit as we had from the ACOR association and from the projects and educational efforts it supports. Pierre Bikai, director at ACOR at the time, was very supportive and contributed personally with us the initial seed money for the endowment. We thought this would also provide a model for others to follow in supporting ACOR, which it has.”
–Words of Edgar C. Harrell, who served as ACOR Board President from 1986 to 1988.
To donate to this fellowship, please click here and write “Harrell” under the “Additional Details” section of the donation form.