Terms of the Sauer Fellowship 2025
One award of $1,500 for educational assistance for a Jordanian graduate student enrolled in an archaeology or cultural heritage degree program in any country. For the 2025–2026 cycle, the Sauer Fellowship is open only to enrolled graduate students of Jordanian nationality. Application requirements include:
- Completed application form
- Project proposal narrative (800–1,200 words, not including bibliography)
- Transcripts(s) (first-year graduate students should submit both graduate and undergraduate transcripts)
- One recommendation that must be from academic advisor
Deadline for applications is February 15.
Applicants will be notified in April.
The Sauer trust rotates on a two-year cycle:
Even-number years: $1,500 award without residency at ACOR, or $500 award plus one month of residency at ACOR for a student of any nationality except Jordanian.
Odd-number years: $1,500 award for educational assistance for a Jordanian graduate student enrolled in an archaeology or cultural heritage degree program in any country.
Background of the Sauer Fellowship

James. A Sauer (1945-1999) was a gifted archeologist, scholar, and teacher. In his career he did archaeological fieldwork on various project in Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and Yemen. A specialist in ceramics, he developed a pottery chronology from his work at Tell Hesban and it is still widely used in Jordan. He published extensively in several fields of ancient Near Eastern history and archaeology
Sauer is remembered for his unselfish promotion of the work of other scholars and for encouraging broad public interest and participation in archaeology. As director of ACOR (1975-1981) he envisioned transforming the small institute into one of the major research centers in the region. He began the plans to build the permanent ACOR facility that exists in Amman today. He also taught classes at the University of Jordan and inspired many Jordanian students.
He encouraged archaeologists to begin fieldwork in Jordan and facilitated projects researching all periods of Jordan’s history from the prehistoric to the Islamic. In his time as Director of ACOR he shared his enthusiasm for archaeology with the interested public. He was active in the Friends of Archaeology, gave lectures, taught classes on pottery and led expert tours of archaeological sites.
Later he served as President of the board of ASOR (1982-1988) and President of the ACOR Board (1991-1992). He was a professor and museum curator at the University of Pennsylvania and later was a curator and research associate at the Semitic Museum at Harvard University. He was educated at Concordia College and at Harvard University (Ph.D. 1973).
The fellowship in his memory was announced in 2000 with the goal of supporting students working in the archaeology of Jordan. The James A. Sauer Memorial Endowment was created by many donors. The income from the endowment is restricted to award scholarships for students.
To donate to this fellowship, please click here and write “Sauer” under the “Additional Details” section of the donation form.
Click here to apply for this fellowship.