2024–2025 Fellowship Awardees
National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Sarah Islam (Co-Produced Religions Project, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton/University of Bern, Bern)
“Blasphemy (Sabb al-Rasul) as a Legal Category in Medieval Islamic History”
Gary Rollefson (Anthropology, Whitman College)
“Final Report on the Excavations at ‘Ain Ghazal, ‘Ain Ghazal, Excavation Reports Volume 1”
ACOR-CAORC Postdoctoral Fellowship
Leigh-Ann Bedal (Anthropology, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College)
“The Petra Pool and Garden Complex Volume 1: History, Excavation, and Interpretation”
Joel Burnett (Religion, Baylor University)
“Interpreting Iron Age Religious Evidence from Jordan”
Konstantine Politis (Hellenic Society for Near Eastern Studies)
Kalliroe (‘Ain ez-Zara, Jordan) Documentation and Study Project
Robert Schick (Independent Scholar)
“Identifying the Sites that Alois Musil Recorded in His Travels in Southern Jordan and the Negev in 1896–1902”
ACOR-CAORC Predoctoral Fellowship
Fadi Kafeety (History, University of Houston)
“A History of the Jordanian Communist Party, 1951–1993”
Eliza Marks (Cultural Anthorpology, City University of New York)
“Experimentation and Betweenness: The Formation and Mobilization of Sound Collectives in/between Amman, Outside, and Online”
Pierre and Patricia Bikai Fellowship
Megan Nishida (Anthropology, University of Notre Dame)
Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain
Bert and Sally de Vries Fellowship
Sherihan Inalo (Islamic Archaeology, University of Bonn)
Tall Hisban, Madaba Plains Project
Frederick-Wenger Jordanian Educational Fellowship
Alhareth Aldmour (Archaeology, University of Jordan)
University Study
Esra’a Alhunaity (Archaeology, University of Jordan)
University Study
Lawrence T. Geraty Travel Scholarship
Kayssa Mavrides Sales (Cultural Heritage in the Near and Middle East and Africa, Sapienza University of Rome)
Khirbat Iskandar Expedition
Jennifer C. Groot Memorial Fellowship
Nina Rozic (Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto)
Town of Nebo Archaeological Project
Asad Zaman (Near East and South Asian Languages and Cultures, Ohio State University)
Badia Epigraphic Project 2024
Harrell Family Fellowship
Tucker Deady (History, Anthropology and Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Khirbat Iskandar Expedition
Jordanian Graduate Student Scholarship
Qais Wedyan (Archaeology and Tourism, University of Jordan)
“Tell Abu Suwwan: A Socio-Economic Study during the Neolithic Period”
Burton MacDonald and Rosemarie Sampson Fellowship
Joshua Feland (History, Classics, and Religion, University of Alberta)
“Exploring Continuity and Transition in Southern Jordan”
S. Thomas Parker Memorial Fund
Lama Khaled Maabreh (Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction, Yarmouk University)
“New Technologies for the Presentation of Cultural Heritage Environments in Education”
Kenneth W. Russell Memorial Fellowship
Ahmad Thaher (Anthropology, The University of Tulsa)
“Nizzanan Technology at Kharaneh IV: A Comparative Study of Epipalaeolithic Cultural Diversity and Technological Innovation of Stone Tools in the Southern Levant”
James A. Sauer Fellowship
Carolina Cioffi (Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, University of Rome, Sapienza)
Khirbat Iskandar Expedition