2009–2010 Fellowship Awardees Announcement
National Endowment for the Humanities Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
Beatrice St. Laurent (Art History, Bridgewater State College)
The Dome of the Rock: Restorations, Historic Tiles, their Documentation and Ties with the Jordan Museum
ACOR-CAORC Post-Graduate Fellowship
Joel Burnett (Religion, Baylor University)
Terra-Cotta Architectural Models as Evidence for the Religion of Iron Age Jordan
Alysia Fischer (Center for American and World Cultures, Miami University)
Investigating Jordanian Glass: Archaeo- logical and Contemporary
Angel Foster (Ibis Reproductive Health)
Assessing the Reproductive Health Content of Medical Education in Jordan
Stefanie Nanes (Political Science, Hofstra University)
Women in Municipal Governance in Jordan: The Impact of the Gender Quota
Jason Rech (Geology, Miami University)
Paleohydrology and Climatic Significance of the Mudawarra Lake Deposits, Southwestern Jordan
Philip Wilke (Anthropology, University of California, Riverside)
Lower Paleolithic Adaptations in the al-Jafr Basin, Jordan
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation East-Central European- Research Fellowship
László Csicsmann (Institute of International Relations, Corvinus University, Hungary)
‘Terrorist Organizations’ or ‘Political Parties’? The Perspective of Political Engagement of Islamists Organizations in the Middle East—Lessons from The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Ivana Kvetanova (Trnava University, Slovakia)
Christian Archaeology at Trnava University
Balázs Major (Arabic and Islamic Studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Hungary)
Comparative Study of the Medieval Rural Settlements of the Syrian Coast and the Western Part of Jordan (11th to 14th centuries)
Tomasz Waliszewski (Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Poland)
Green Gold II—Inventory of the Oil Presses in Jordan (Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic Periods)
The Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in the Art and Archaeology of Jordan
William Zimmerle (Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania)
Mapping the Neo-Assyrian Empire in Northern Jordan-Southern Syria: Imperial Landscape Change and the Archaeology of Trade Networks in Iron Age Gilead
ACOR-CAORC Fellowship
Stephanie Brown (History, North Carolina State University)
Reevaluation of Iron Age Fortified Sites of the Eastern Kerak Plateau
Sarah Bush (Politics, Princeton University)
The Politics of Promoting Democracy
Eleanor Gao (Political Science, University of Michigan)
Do the Buses Run on Time? Local Government and Public Goods Provision in Jordan
Jill Goldenziel (Government, Harvard University)
Refugees, Security, and the Politics of International Law
Matthew Kroot (Anthropology, University of Michigan)
Early Villages of the Dead Sea Basin: The ‘Asal-Dhra’ Archaeological Project
Jennifer C. Groot Fellowship
Russell Gentry (History, North Carolina State University)
Dhiban Excavation Project
Gabriel Kravitz (Anthropology and Middle East Studies, McGill University)
Azraq Palaeolithic
Isaiah Moose (History, San Diego State University)
Bir Madhkur Project
Pierre and Patricia Bikai Fellowship
Micaela Sinibaldi (History andArchaeology, Cardiff University)
Villages of Crusader Transjordan: Production, Circulation and Use of Ceramics in the 12th Century A.D.
Harrell Family Fellowship; Bert and Sally de Vries Fellowship; MacDonald/Sampson Fellowship
ChristopherAmes (Anthropology, McGill University)
Neandertal Lifeways: An Archaeological Survey from the Edge of the Jordanian Plateau to the Dead Sea
James A. Sauer Fellowship
Steven Edwards (Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto)
Wadi ath-Thamad Project
Frederick-Wenger Jordanian Educational Fellowship
Muna Al-Slaihat (Sustainable Tourism, Queen Rania Institute, The Hashemite University)
Developing a Sustainable Tour- ism Plan for the Archaeological Site of Iraq al-Amir
ACOR Jordanian Graduate Student Scholarship
Maryam Ibrahim (Sustainable Tourism, Queen Rania Institute, The Hashemite University)
A Study of Khirbet al-Batrawy: Archaeological and Tourism Development
Fatima Jalboosh (Cultural Resources Management, Queen Rania Institute, The Hashemite University)
The Architecture of the Umayyad Settlement around Qasr al-Hallabat, Jordan