Ramzi Touchan

Ramzi Touchan is a Research Professor, Emeritus at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring and the School of Natural Resources Environment, Watershed Management and Ecohydrology Program, and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona. Ramzi’s research, teaching, and outreach activities over several decades have expanded the knowledge base of dendrochronology and dendroclimatology. His activities have benefited students, scientists, planners, and resource managers around the world.
A focus of his work has been to integrate dendrochronology into an improved understanding of the natural environment and to encourage the application of dendrochronology in the management of water and other natural resources. His ongoing research program includes establishing networks of tree-ring chronologies to study large-scale patterns of climate variability in the Mediterranean Basin, North America, and Russia.
David M. Meko

David M. Meko is a Research Professor in the Laboratory of Tree-ring Research. He uses tree-ring data and instrumental data to study the natural variability of climatic and hydrologic systems and he has participated in several studies applying tree-ring data to extend records of streamflow for water resources agencies in the western United States. His current project deals with hydrologic variability in the Truckee-Carson Basin in the western United States.
Pearce Paul Creasman
Pearce Paul Creasman is the executive director of ACOR, and is supporting the organization of the course. Previously, he was a professor and curator at the University of Arizona, focusing on the heritage, archaeology, and environment of the Middle East and North Africa. For his research as a professor of dendrochronology, he worked in several countries in the MENA region, and hopes to see this 10th edition of the international summer course draw widely from the region.