Jordanian Fellowships

ACOR offers a number of fellowships and scholarships specifically for Jordanian Citizens. 

The application process for all ACOR fellowships is online.


Our mission is advancing knowledge of Jordan and the interconnected region, past and present. Supporting Jordanian students and scholars is a critical part of that mission.

The leading scholarship program is the Jordanian Graduate Student Scholarship, which supports up to graduate students annually.

Three of our named fellowships support Jordanian scholarship. The Frederick-Wenger Memorial Fellowship specifically supports Jordanians, and the Russell Memorial and the Sauer Memorial Fellowships alternate so that each year one of the two is supporting a Jordanian student.

Finally, there is an annual travel award to support the participation of a Jordanian graduate student or working professional to deliver an academic paper at an international conference.

Jordanian Graduate Student Scholarship

Up to four awards of $3,000 each to assist Jordanian graduate students with the annual costs of their academic programs during the period May 1 of the award year through May 31 of the following year. Candidates must be Jordanian citizens and enrolled in either a Master’s or Doctoral program in a Jordanian university at the time of their application. Eligibility is limited to students in programs related to Jordan’s cultural heritage (for example: archaeology, anthropology, linguistics/epigraphy, history, conservation, museum studies, and cultural resource management related issues). Awardees who demonstrate excellent progress in their programs will be eligible to apply in consecutive years.

Click here to apply for this fellowship

Deadline for application is February 15th annually.

Frederick-Wenger Memorial Fellowship

Two awards of $2,000 to assist two Jordanian students with the cost of their education. Eligibility is not limited to a specific field of study, but preference will be given to study related to Jordan’s cultural heritage. Candidates must be Jordanian citizens and currently enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students in a Jordanian university.

Click here to apply for this fellowship

منحة (زمالة) فريدريك وينجر التذكارية

منحتان قيمة كل واحدة منها 2000 دولار مقدمة لمساعدة طالبين أردنيين في التكاليف السنوية لبرامجهم الأكاديمية. لا تقتصر الأهلية على مجال معين من مجالات الدراسة، ولكن ستعطى الأفضلية للدراسة المتعلقة بالآثار و التراث الثقافي والسياحة في الأردن. يجب أن يكون المرشحون مواطنون أردنيون ومسجلون حاليًا كطلاب جامعيين (مرحلة البكالوريوس) أو طلاب دراسات عليا في جامعة أردنية

اضغط هنا لتقديم الطلب

أخر موعد لتقديم الطلب 15 شباط

The Russell and the Sauer Fellowships

These two fellowships rotate and each year one supports an enrolled Jordanian graduate student. For the 2024–2025 cycle, the Russell Fellowship is open only to students of Jordanian nationality and the Sauer Fellowship is open only to students of non-Jordanian nationality

James A. Sauer Fellowship: The Sauer trust rotates on a two-year cycle.

Year 1:  $1,500 award without residency at ACOR, or $500 award plus one month of residency at ACOR for a student of any nationality except Jordanian.
Year 2:  Education assistance for a Jordanian student enrolled in an archaeology or cultural heritage degree program in any country.  $1,500 award.

Kenneth W. Russell Fellowship: The Russell trust rotates on a two-year cycle.

Year 1: 
Education assistance for a Jordanian student enrolled in an archaeology or cultural heritage degree program in any country.  $2,500 award.
Year 2:  Student travel (any nationality except Jordanian) for field work or research in Jordan.  One award of $2,500 to support a graduate student participating in an ACOR approved archaeological research project.

Annually: The Russel Fellowship also supports Bedul education assistance. Since 2008, an annual prize and a certificate commending their achievement can be awarded to the top male and top female tawjihi finalists from Umm Sayhoun.

Click here to apply for these fellowships

Conference Travel Award

This award is intended to assist Jordanians resident in Jordan participating in and delivering a scholarly paper at an international conference held in the United States or Canada. One award of $3,500 will be made for in-person paper presentation, and one award for paper presentation in a virtual conference (i.e., conference registration, membership when required) will be available annually. Awards are eligible in any field of study related to ACOR’s mission. Poster presentations are not eligible.

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