November 14, 2022
We are proud to announce the completion and success of the first cohort of the
Abdoun Community Archaeology Project.
- Photo by Ruaa Atiyeh
- Photo by Bahaa Saleh
In 2021, the American Center of Research and the Jordanian Department of Antiquities partnered together to create a new community archaeology program: the Abdoun Community Archaeology Project. The project managed to involve 24 volunteers in the span of more than two months. Participants belonged to different cultural backgrounds as well as career and educational experiences, making the site a meeting point for diversity. The volunteers acquired knowledge about the methodologies of archaeology, the history of the field, and the development that led to archaeology to become an interdisciplinary science. In addition, participants became better aware of the history of Amman and the site during their involvement in the project. To help foster a relationship between the local volunteers and the city at large, we organized visits to sites in Amman dating back to the Iron age (c. 1200–539 BCE): Umm Siwewineh (al-Zuhour), Al-Rawnaq, Khirbet Sarah, Rajm al-Kursi, Qaser Khalda, and Khirbet Othman.
With the participation of the volunteers, we discovered a platform-like structure built by large, flat rocks laid in a row close to the western inner wall of the site. In addition, many pieces of pottery, glass, flint, and bone were recovered. Based on studies of the materials discovered during the project, we know that the pottery sherds belong to different historical periods, starting with the Iron Age (c. 8th–6th BCE).
The project and volunteer opportunities will resume in 2023, when we will work to deepen the involvement of members of the public with the rich history and heritage of the area. Stay tuned to find out about your next opportunity to join us in the Abdoun Community Archaeology Project!