Town of Nebo Archaeological Project
Jennifer C. Groot Memorial Fellowship
Wilfred Laurier University
Shane Cook is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University, where he achieved an undergraduate double major in archaeology/heritage sstudies and history. Having a passion for history from a young age, Shane always knew he wanted to study history in a practical, hands-on fashion, which led him to archaeology. He is especially interested in pre-Christian Ireland, ancient Greece, and the Mongolian Empire. When not studying history, mythology, or politics, Shane occupies his time with his other hobbies. Shane is a huge fan of heavy-metal music, especially Black Sabbath and Dio, and he enjoys restoring old or broken tools with his father. The Jennifer C. Groot Memorial Fellowship is allowing Shane to attend his first field school at the Town of Nebo Archaeological Project in Jordan. This is Shane’s first time working a site beyond Ontario-based cultural resource management, and it will be an exciting opportunity to experience academic archaeology first hand, as well as to explore the rich and vibrant culture of Jordan. Shane will use this fellowship to alleviate the cost of attending the field school in order to begin saving to attend a master’s program in future. He is extremely grateful for this opportunity, which allows students like him to participate in life-changing opportunities like this!