“Completing a Lithic ‘Library’ for Future Late Neolithic Research in the Black Desert of Jordan”
ACOR-CAORC Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2023–2024
Wilfred Laurier University
Gary Rollefson is an anthropological archaeologist and professor emeritus in Whitman College Department of Anthropology of Whitman College (Walla Walla, Washington). His academic focus is prehistoric archaeology of the Lower and Middle Paleolithic periods and early- and late-Neolithic subsistence economy and ritual of the southern Levant. His most recent publications include “Cultural Practices, Epidemics and Demographic Inferences” (D. Ackerfeld and A. Gopher, eds., Dealing with Death in the Neolithic, pp. 101–112, [Berlin: Ex Oriente, 2022]); “Standing Stones and Megalithic Architecture at Wisad Pools in Jordan’s Black Desert,”(Studies in Honor of Uzi Avner; Negev, Dead Sea and Arava Studies 14 (2–4): 12–23), and “Home on the Range: Late Neolithic Architecture and Subsistence in Jordan’s Black Desert” (I. Hunter and E. Ben Yosef, eds., “And in Length of Days Understanding” (Job 12:12): Essays on Archaeology in the 21st Century in Honor of Thomas E. Levy [London: Springer Verlag, in press]).