ACOR Online Resources

As many are shifting to remote working and online classes, the need for greater access to digital resources is more important than ever. ACOR has many online resources available.

Below is a list of links accessible through our website

Al Khazne (Treasury), at Petra, 1999. Jane Taylor collection. ACOR, Amman.

The ACOR Photo Archive has over 27,000 online images of heritage sites, landscapes, people, and activities from Jordan and the MENA region. Digitized over the past four years, this important new resource is making it easier to find images of an ever-changing region.

You can also read Photo Essays about the online collections, including images taken by Jane Taylor, Paul and Nancy Lapp, and Bert de Vries.

ACOR’s YouTube Channel features many past lectures held at ACOR, ranging from recent discoveries at the site of Pella in Jordan by Stephen Bourke, the importance of recording Rock Art in Wadi Rum by Kaelin Groom, digital media in Jordan by Geoffrey Hughes, and Amman street art by Aseel Sawalha.

ACOR Blogs feature short articles by ACOR’s fellows and staff about ongoing research in Jordan on a wide range of topics, from archaeology and cultural heritage in Petra, to challenges faced by humanitarian workers.

The ACOR Library catalog features entries for over 45,000 books and journals, and links to selected Open Access resources.

Some of ACOR’s Publications can be found online, including:

Archaeology in Jordan, with short reports on fieldwork going back to 1991, including open access past issues from the American Journal of Archaeology.

Rook, R. 1998. The 150th Anniversary of the United States’ Expedition to Explore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. Amman: ACOR.

Bikai, P.M. (ed.) 1993. ACOR: The First 25 Years. The American Center of Oriental Research: 1968-1993. Amman: ACOR.

50 Years in Jordan: ACOR. Amman: ACOR.

ACOR Newsletter 31.1 with feature article on Neolithic archaeology in Jordan by Gary Rollefson

ACOR Newsletters have feature articles focusing on archaeology and cultural heritage and short reports on ACOR’s activities. The ACOR Newsletter is published twice a year and available for free download on the ACOR website, going way back to 1989.

School children from Jordan celebrate at the Our Heritage Our Identity Video Competition awards ceremony, May 2019. Photo: Bidaya Corp.

Read up on ACOR’s  USAID Sustainable Cultural Heritage Through Engagement of Local Communities Project (SCHEP) past projects, or stay up-to-date on most recent activities on the following social media channels:

To take a virtual trip to SCHEP sites, or to see the project’s work in action, head over to the SCHEP YouTube channel, which features dozens of original videos on everything from cultural tourism experiences, to awareness activities, and excavations. Also get inspired by the four community-based enterprises supported by SCHEP, each specializing in cultural tourism:

Aqabawi, Aqaba – Website, Facebook, Instagram

Busayra Foundation for Cultural Heritage, Busayra (Tafileh Governorate) – Facebook, Instagram

Hand by Hand Heritage, Umm al Jimal (Mafraq Governorate) – Website, Facebook, Instagram

Visit Safi, Ghawr as Safi (Southern Jordan Valley) – Facebook, Detailed Tourism Booklet

You can connect to ACOR’s Social Media here:

ACOR is one of 25 American Overseas Research Centers around the world supported by the Council of Overseas Research Centers (CAORC). Find out more about the online resources available across these diverse institutions:

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