The 2025 ACOR-NEH application cycle has been completed and the award granted, and the ACOR-NEH Fellowship will not be offered during the 2025–2026 application cycle.
National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship at ACOR
NEH Fellowship 2025
Applications should be submitted online: https://orcfellowships.smapply.org/prog/G4z5kMr2fCZmVdBcCS6f/
Deadline is February 15, 2024.
One award is available for use in the 2025 calendar/academic year, commencing on or after June 1, 2024, and completed by December 2025.
One award of six months for use between late 2024 and December 2025, for a scholar who has a PhD or has completed their professional training. Fields of research include but are not limited to: modern and classical languages, linguistics, literature, history, jurisprudence, philosophy, archaeology, heritage studies, comparative religion, ethics, and the history, criticism, and theory of the arts. Social and political scientists are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals living in the U.S. three years immediately preceding the application deadline. An award for six months is expected to be $30,000, of which $18,000 is for stipend and travel and the remainder is for ACOR room and board. This fellowship provides residency at ACOR’s center in Amman, Jordan; should a fellow elect to reside elsewhere in Jordan for a portion of their fellowship, the fellow is responsible for such costs. The award must commence on or after June 1, 2024, and may be used at any time through the end of calendar 2025. Award is contingent on peer review and it is possible that no award will be made.
Funding for this fellowship is provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Programs at
Independent Research Institutes (FPIRI).
The National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Center of Research together: Democracy demands wisdom.
Applications should be submitted online: https://orcfellowships.smapply.org/prog/G4z5kMr2fCZmVdBcCS6f/
Inquiries should be directed to fellowships@acorjordan.org.
Application requirements include:
- Completed application form
- Project proposal narrative (up to 2,000 words, not including bibliography)
- Any additional supporting documentation (e.g., permit application letters; permission to transport special equipment)
- Two letters of recommendation
Requirements and NEH-mandated notices for fellowship recipients:
NEH-funded fellows are expected to remain during their entire fellowship tenure period in Jordan and to work on their projects on a full-time basis. Fellowship tenure must be continuous and last at least four months. Short departure (e.g., to attend conferences, conduct research in neighboring areas) is possible, but must be approved in advance.
NEH-funded fellows must be United States citizens or foreign nationals who have lived in the United States for three years immediately preceding the application deadline for the fellowship.
Fellowships, supported entirely or in part by NEH funds, are for individuals who have completed their formal professional training. Consequently, degree candidates and individuals seeking support for work in pursuit of a degree are not eligible to hold NEH-supported fellowships. Advanced degree candidates must have completed all requirements, except for the actual conferral of the degree, by the application deadline for the fellowship.
All materials publicizing or resulting from NEH-funded activities must contain an acknowledgment of NEH support. Consult the Acknowledgment and Publicity Requirements for NEH Awards and Publicizing Your Project pages for guidance to meet this requirement.
Any foreign travel must be undertaken on U.S. flag carriers, wherever such service is available. ACOR will assist in determining this when booking airline tickets.
The OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) contained in 2 CFR Parts 180 and 3369 apply to this award. Fellows must comply with Subpart C of these regulations.
Projects that receive NEH funds cannot include material that is obscene, libelous, offensive, or defamatory (including hate speech, personal attacks, or material constituting harassment); including user-generated content, comments, blog posts, links and other social media.
NEH-funded fellows may not be delinquent on repayment of federal debt. Examples of relevant debt include student loans, delinquent federal taxes, delinquent child support payments, and delinquent payroll taxes for household or other employees. (See OMB Circular A-129.) By applying to this fellowship, the applicant affirms they are not delinquent on any federal debt.
NEH-funded fellows may not hold another concurrent NEH grant for the proposed research (that is, no “double-dipping”).
NEH-funded fellows must immediately notify ACOR if a permit is denied or revoked after an award has been issued, or if an unforeseen circumstance, such as a natural disaster or political turmoil, prevents (or threatens to prevent) the fellow from carrying out their project.
NEH and ACOR do not assume responsibility for fellows’ compliance with the laws and regulations of the country in which work is to be conducted.
Upon completion of tenure, fellows are asked to fill out a brief online questionnaire about their activities and accomplishments and submit it to NEH’s Division of Research Programs at securegrants.neh.gov/Misc/CentersEvaluation.aspx
Recipients are encouraged to register with the State Department’s Safe Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
→ Browse information about past awardees.
→ Learn about fellows’ research through articles, interviews, and lectures on Insights.