University Study
Frederick-Wenger Jordanian Educational Fellowship, 2024–2025
University of Jordan
Esra’a Alhunaity obtained a BA in history from the University of Jordan in June 2020. Because of her love for science and her ambition to obtain a doctorate, she applied to the MA program in archaeology also at the University of Jordan and was accepted in September 2020; her education is ongoing. In addition to her mother tongue, Arabic, she has mastered the English language and worked hard in 2020–2021 to master Turkish, as well. She now speaks these three languages and intends to master Spanish after finishing her MA thesis because of her love and passion for European languages. This year, she will also complete her thesis, “Settlement Pattern Changes from the Middle to Late Bronze Age in Northern Jordan,” which covers the area between the Yarmouk River in the north and the Zarqa River in the south, and from the Jordan Valley in the west to the Eastern Desert. She chose this topic due to her interest in studying the history of regional settlement, the subject in which she would like to specialize.