Thank you for your help in recognizing the life and career of an amazing person, exceptional scholar, and one of the most important people in ACOR’s history.
The S. Thomas Parker Fund
in support of fellowships, field projects, and events.
To contribute to a fund being established in Tom’s honor:
1) please go here https://acorjordan.org/donate/
2) scroll to the “Make a donation directly online” box and
enter your donation information
3) **Add Tom’s name to the “(Optional) Additional
Details” box.
You may mail a check to our U.S. Office, naming Tom:
209 Commerce Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
To give a gift of stock, please contact us directly:
Prof. S. Thomas Parker, a giant in the field of classical archaeology and the archaeology of Jordan, passed away 12 September 2021. An ACOR trustee since 1987 and officer (second vice president) for twenty years (2001–2021), he had a deep commitment to our community and will be dearly missed.
Tom’s family would like to establish an endowment fund in his honor here at ACOR, and this page begins the effort to do so. We are honored to help continue his legacy into the future.
Tom inspired, supported, and connected with an untold number of students, colleagues, and friends. If you are such a person and want to help keep his memory alive or honor him, one way is to make a contribution to this effort.
Please consider sharing stories about Tom, and about this effort, on social media.
To learn more about Tom:
The American Center of Research is a non-profit research and educational institution, recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (EIN: 23-7084091). Thus, your donation may be eligible as a charitable deduction for tax purposes, to the extent permitted by law.