Salvage and Rescue (AIJ 2)

In this gallery, we are highlighting results from recent archaeological field seasons through their reports as they appear in Archaeology in Jordan 2 (ACOR, 2020)!

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The projects covered by AIJ 2 (2018 and 2019 seasons) ask and address exciting questions, test new approaches, and re-evaluate research priorities. Several projects relate experiences with the practical concerns surrounding looting, development, or neglect: for example, salvage/rescue archaeology at Barqa, ‘Ayn Ghazal, the Ghawr as-Safi Project, Khirbat Braq, Murayghat, and Khirbat Al- Balu’a; conservation, re-presentation, and publication of the Nymphaeum in Amman and the Temple of the Winged Lions in Petra; and site recording work on the Karak Plateau.

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