Steve Meyer, Project Archivist at ACOR, Fall 2017

Steve Meyer is the Project Archivist for ACOR’s Photo Archive Project. He arrived in Jordan at the end of August 2017 and will be working in the ACOR Library through much of 2018 as part of the Photo Archive Internship Program.

Photographer Steve Meyer in Madaba in 2018. Photo courtesy of same.

Steve is a professional photographer based in New York City.  Wanting to develop his career path in order to become a professional photo archivist, he began an M.A. program in Library and Information Science at the Pratt Institute in 2014 while continuing his photographic career. Besides his own work in photography and digital art, Steve has managed the studios of other professional photographers and worked extensively in image file management systems.

Steve says that when he saw the ACOR Photo Archive Internship announcement online, he was intrigued because it offered work experience in a field that he plans to enter in the future.  He was also eager to have the opportunity to travel and live abroad.

Steve is continuing work initiated by Corrie Commiso, who was the first Photo Archive Intern and who laid the foundation, together with Jessica Holland, for the process by which the hundreds of thousands of historical photographs in the ACOR Archives are being digitized and uploaded to the STARCHIVE platform where they are accessible to the public.

Steve Meyer setting up a time-lapse photo of crowds on the ACOR patio on September 20, 2017. Photo by B.A. Porter.

Steve Meyer is currently enrolled as an M.A. student in Library and Information Science at the Pratt Institute.  He earned a B.F.A. in Professional Photographic Illustration at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1999.  See his photography on his website or follow him on Instagram at @stevemeyerphoto.

Help Support the ACOR Library and its Archives  
Donate to the ACOR Annual Fund and help ensure that historical records and images about Jordan and the region are freely available to scholars in Jordan and via the internet around the world.

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