
Many of the ACOR named fellowships support undergraduate and graduate students to participate in archaeological projects in Jordan or they support accommodation at ACOR for the purposes of research in the ACOR library.  

Please investigate the links on the table to the left to see what opportunities exist to support young people taking part in archaeological excavations in Jordan.  

However the mechanisms for conducting archaeology in Jordan require a great deal of advance planning and coordination with government authorities such as the Department of Antiquities within the Ministry of Tourism.  It is not a simple thing to volunteer at an archaeological dig.

Students interested in the archaeology of Jordan are recommended to begin first with their host institution.  Another resource is the website of the Archaeological Institute of America

Many of the ACOR named fellowships are limited to projects affiliated with the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) and ongoing archaeological projects in Jordan and in the region are coordinated within ASOR through the Committee on Archaeological Policy (CAP).

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