2024 Grants for Jordan/Jordanians

Applications for the below awards are now closed.

Online Course Development Grant (click here for a PDF of this announcement):

Scope:             To prepare a “History of the Middle/Near Eastern Region” course to be recorded and posted freely online.
Amount:         US $3,000.
Eligibility:      Jordanians with a postgraduate degree and demonstrated expertise communicating with the public.
Course language:        To be recorded in Arabic; ACOR to assist in adding English subtitles.
Timing: The grant must be completed in 2024, with a strong preference for completion by August 15, 2024.

The American Center of Research is pleased to offer a grant in the amount of $3,000 to a Jordanian scholar to prepare and record a generously illustrated “History of the Middle/Near Eastern Region” course. The course should cover the Bronze Age to present but may cover a greater depth of history. ACOR will assist with the consistency and format of the visuals (i.e., provide a PowerPoint format), the recording of the course, and the addition of English subtitles, but the course content and design are solely the responsibility of the grantee.

The grant is intended to provide the recipient with time to create the course and to work with ACOR staff to see it posted freely online. The grant may be provided either directly to the applicant or to their institution/employer (e.g., if a course buyout is necessary), as the grantee prefers.

The course should be designed to speak to the general public and high-school students while engaging them in the history of the region as seen from Jordanian perspectives. The recordings will be made available freely online as open-access materials under a Creative Commons license.

Partnerships: Applications will be accepted from collaborations of up to three Jordanian scholars. In the case of two or three collaborators, grant funds will be distributed equally among the recipients. If a partnership is proposed, all materials listed below must be submitted for all participants in a single email, with all proposed participants copied on the submission.

To apply: Submit the following to development@acorjordan.org by May 1, 2024:
1)   your cv/resume(s)
2)   a single proposed course syllabus (if multiple participants, note division of materials)
3)   a proposed timeline for preparing and recording the lectures

Excavation Grant for Jordan (click here for a PDF of this announcement):

Scope:             To support archaeological excavation in Jordan, led by a Jordanian(s) that engages Jordanian students.
Amount:         US $25,000; additional support, such as equipment use and specialist expertise, may be provided by ACOR.
Eligibility:      Jordanians with a postgraduate degree and demonstrated capacity to publish excavated materials. Must be eligible to hold an excavation permit from the Department of Antiquities.
Timing:          We expect to provide one grant for work to occur in 2024 and one grant for work to occur in 2025. Applications must specify for which year funding is sought.

The American Center of Research is pleased to offer a grant of up to $25,000 to a Jordanian scholar for the purpose of conducting an archaeological excavation in Jordan that: 1) supports Jordanian student participation and 2) is considered salvage excavation by the Department of Antiquities.

All locations, cultural horizons, and temporal scopes in Jordan are eligible.

Funds may not be used for: salaries of senior project staff; overhead/indirect costs of any kind; payment to or in the support of participation of non-residents of Jordan/non-Jordanians (e.g., airfare for international collaborators or specialists); participation of Department of Antiquities staff other than standard permit and inspector fees; and land rental. All costs must be approved in advance. The grant funds will be paid out directly on behalf of the project.

Staff and board members of ACOR and the Jordanian government and their immediate family members are ineligible for this award.

To apply:       Submit the following to development@acorjordan.org by May 1, 2024:
1) cv/resume of the excavation director (the grant applicant)
2) a description of the proposed site and scope of work, not exceeding three pages (single spaced)
3) a proposed budget, not exceeding two pages
4) one example of prior excavation publication
5) a proposed timeline for the excavation

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