On April 4, 2019, ACOR gathered many of its long-time supporters and friends together at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. for our final 50th Anniversary Celebration. This special occasion provided opportunity for old friends to reunite, for new friends to be welcomed, and for ACOR to celebrate our achievements alongside many of the people who make our work possible. We were very pleased that representatives of USAID, the U.S. Department of State, CAORC, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and many other supporting partners were able to attend.
Remarks from ACOR Board Chairman Randolph B. Old, Director Barbara A. Porter, First Vice President Abdelelah Al Khatib, and Ambassador Edward “Skip” Gnehm, Jr., spoke to the deep and lasting relationships ACOR has formed in Jordan. Throughout the past fifty years, we are proud to have worked closely with our Jordanian partners, fostering connections both personal and professional that have lasted in some cases for decades. A slideshow of images from our Photo Archive played in the background, showcasing some of Jordan’s most stunning sites, beautiful landscapes, and kind people.
At the April 4 event we also debuted our newest publication, 50 Years in Jordan, a visually-driven booklet that tells the story of ACOR and some of our most noteworthy accomplishments over the past half-century. We were thrilled to be able to share this booklet for the first time with this special group, and to share it with all of our friends and supporters online here on the ACOR Website.
From all of us at ACOR, thank you to all those who joined us for this special evening. It truly was a fitting cap to our year of anniversary celebrations (for a recap of our 2018 events in Amman, see blog posts here and here, as well as the ACOR Newsletter Vol. 30.1). We remain deeply grateful for the support our community has given us over the past fifty years, and extend our thanks to those who were not able to join us in person, but have served as integral parts of the ACOR community, whether it be for a period of decades or mere months.
Please enjoy the below slideshow of highlights from this event. All photographs by Erika Nizborski-Spencer.
If you have not yet donated to ACOR, you may do so here. Your donations go a long way toward ensuring that ACOR can keep working in Jordan for another 50 years, and beyond!