Supporting Our Library


The library is the heart of the services provided to researchers and scholars at ACOR. It houses a large collection of books and periodicals on Jordan and the archaeological sites within its boundaries and a comprehensive collection of archaeological books on the Middle East. We also provide free access to JSTOR for patrons, a rarity in Jordan. 

Our library and its electronic resources are actively utilized by Jordanian professors, scholars, and students, ACOR fellows, and the international community. Free access to our library and to JSTOR helps local professors keep up in their fields, and many students have finished their theses and dissertations thanks to reliance on ACOR library resources. 

Maintaining the library is an expensive endeavor, and we welcome financial support from individuals and institutions. No donation is too small or too large.

You can donate to the ACOR library by mailing a check to our U.S. office or by filling out the form at the link below:

Donate to the ACOR Library online by using this form by selecting the box “I would like to dedicate this donation,” and writing “library support.”

Our U.S. office is located at:
209 Commerce Street
Alexandria, VA 223314-2909

Library Funding History:

Anne C. Ogilvy Memorial Library Endowment

The Ogilvy Endowment is an investment that is professionally managed on ACOR’s behalf by a private company. ACOR is not able to draw on the principal of the endowment, but may draw on the interest earned. Income from the fund is to be used exclusively for library operations. The Anne C. Ogilvy Memorial Library Endowment ensures the purchase of new acquisitions and maintenance of the literary assets of the library. The Ogilvy Endowment has been supported by multiple donors throughout the years. Please click here to learn more. 

The Roger & Ainas Boraas Library Support Fund

In 2006, Roger and Aina Boraas set up a fund for support of the ACOR Library and designated it for research materials. They and their daughter Miriam and her husband Ralston Deffenbauh, Jr. have given generously. This fund has allowed ACOR to purchase significant books and journals for the ACOR Library and also made our dream come true to install compressed shelving units in the ACOR Lower Library, thereby providing for future library needs. The family designated this fund as one way for friends and family to honor the memory of Roger and Aina Boraas. To learn more, click here.

Other Support

Our library has been fortunate in the past to receive generous funding for the renewal of furniture and computers in the library from the U.S. Embassy in Jordan, USAID and USIA, the Canada Fund, the Embassy of Canada, and the Government of Canada.

Our library was privileged to receive two Library Acquisitions grants in 2003-2005 and 2006-2008 from the Getty Foundation. These grants enabled ACOR to significantly expand its collections in the fields of archaeology, art history, and conservation.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has funded access to JSTOR though the Digital Library for International Research Initiative of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC). The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s commitment to this project substantially enhances the resources available at the library to resident scholars, fellows, and library visitors.

In-Kind Donations

To inquire about in-kind donations to the library, please contact us:

ACOR Library
P.O. Box 2470
Amman 11181, Jordan
Phone: 962-6-534-6117; Fax: 962-6-534-4181

ACOR is a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization, as determined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Your donation may be eligible for a charitable deduction.

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